First, Papa John's created a special pizza to promote Spiderman. It is a Super Hero XL3 pizza. The pie is 30% bigger than a large pizza. All Super Hero pizzas come with a $3 dollar coupon for the Spider Man 3 DVD which will be released October 30th. Papa John's is also offering Spider Man themed gift cards. There will be a DVD launch event in New York where Spiderman himself will perform stunts! At the event Spiderman will kick off the Hometown Super-Hero program. The Hometown Super-Hero program is a campaign in which Papa John's will give away $1 million worth of Super Hero pizzas nationwide to honor police, fire and rescue workers, and military personnel - it is for a great cause! To learn more about Papa John's teaming up with Sony you can read their news release.
I think this promotion will be really successful as there are many Spiderman fans out there. Many young children will ask their parents to order the Super Hero pizza because it is bigger and what little kid doesn't want to be a super hero at some point? Also I think that this promotion will entice many people to purchase a Spider Man 3 DVD as they will already have a coupon for it if they have purchased a Super Hero pizza. Also many of the elements of this promotion will leave people curious and inspire them to buy the DVD. I still haven't seen Spider Man 3 and after reading this promotion I want a Super Hero pizza and really can't wait to see the movie!
The article I read also included a small blurb at the end about the movie - it sounds really good! As I have seen the first two Spiderman movies, I must see the third! For those of you who are curious here is the trailer for the movie:
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