P. Diddy will definitely be able to use to his advantage the sleek look of the Ciroc Vodka bottle. The bottle is tall and slender and the labeling is very simple. The colors are just clear and some blue. It is definitely a bottle that a celebrity would have no problem being associated with.
Combs was originally interested in promoting his own vodka line but when he saw Ciroc Vodka he was very impressed. The vodka is infused with French grapes. I think P. Diddy will be very successful in promoting the vodka as he already has his own line of clothing and fragrance that are very common. P. Diddy said, "I am not just a celebrity endorser. I'm a luxury brand builder." This partnership between P. Diddy and Diageo PLC has received a tremendous amount of publicity and I am sure you will begin to hear more and more about ciroc vodka and it will eventually be associated with vodkas like Grey Goose and Kettle One.
The article discussed was found at: http://promomagazine.com/news/diddy_ciroc_vodka/
To read more about P. Diddy's new partnership there is also an article written about it by the Associated Press that can be found at: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jp3XHuELVTm0f08rIAZYGFu4LlcA
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