Thursday, September 6, 2007

Marketing Edge Podcast

I listened to a podcast on Marketing Edge by Albert Maruggi. My initial reaction to the podcast was that it was difficult to stay engaged in what the speaker was saying. For the first few minutes of the podcast it was hard for me to retain the information being discussed. However, after about the first five minutes the information started to become more interesting and the speaker began to make some interesting points.

Maruggi made some really good points about marketing tactics. It was very helpful to me when he broke marketing down into three words: regularity, relavance and speed. Some people would consider some of the things he discussed to be trivial and "common sense" but they are often elements of marketing that people overlook.

Overall I thought the podcast I listened to was very helpful and broke marketing down into simple terms. Also the speaker was very engaging. Since a podcast is only audio it is very important the the speaker sounds enthusiastic as it is their main way to keep the listener's attention.

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